Borgos Marketing & Events, Inc.

9 AM - 6 PM (Monday - Friday)
About Us
In today’s marketing landscape, cost-effective work and real results matter more than at any time in recent memory. Borgos exists specifically to meet those needs.
Each member of our network is a marketing veteran. We've worked together in various settings for years. From this group of peers, we combine only the essential players into a team that meets your scope of work. When you need a specialized skill set, we call in pre-vetted colleagues.
Your team will collaborate closely with you for the duration of your project or engagement. There is no “B team” here—no second string. The same people who consult with you and provide guidance are the ones who will do the work they recommend.
As a result, your marketing dollars go farther. We hold ourselves responsible for delivering the best results possible—and for looking out for your best interests. We'll even guide you away from expensive and unproven fads.
With Borgos, you pay by the project or the engagement. We’re rewarded when we find efficiencies, not when we waste time.
What are you waiting for? Let's get started!
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