Ulysses S. Grant Cottage National Historic Landmark

Museums/HistoryNon-Profit Organizations
May 1st: Fri-Sun 10-4
Memorial Day-Labor Day: Wed–Sun 10-4
Labor Day-Columbus Day: Fri-Sun 10–4
Driving Directions:
1000 Mt. McGregor Road, Wilton, NY 12831
Just 9 miles north of downtown Saratoga Springs
About Us
Impoverished by a Ponzi-style swindle and dying of throat cancer, Ulysses S. Grant moved to the Cottage on June 16, 1885. With the love and support of his family, his publisher Mark Twain and the nation at large, he completed Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant only days before his death on July 23, 1885. The publication of this two-volume work ensured his family’s financial security and gave the world one of the most critically acclaimed memoirs by a U.S. president or historic military figure.
Today, the cottage remains essentially the same as during the Grant family's stay. Visitors tour the downstairs of the cottage, viewing the original furnishings, decorations, and personal items belonging to Grant, including the bed where he died, and floral arrangements that remain from Grant's August 4th funeral. The cottage is now owned by the State of New York and open to the public by the Friends of the Ulysses S. Grant Cottage.
Open May - September
-Tours available to Book online!
-Visit our website for Days we are open to the public.
-Private Tours are available on 'closed' Days with a reservation.
-Enjoy the Grounds at your convenience when the site is open.
Located just 9 miles from downtown Saratoga Springs.
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