Saratoga County Citizens Committee for Mental Health (SCCCMH)

Health Care/HospitalsNon-Profit Organizations
The SCCCMH does not provide direct services.
Driving Directions:
The SCCCMH does not have a business office. A volunteer board of directors manages this non-profit.
About Us
The Saratoga County Citizens Committee for Mental Health (SCCCMH) is a non-profit, charitable organization that distributes grant money to agencies and programs in Saratoga County so they can enrich existing programs or expand services for people living with mental illness. The SCCCMH also provides affordable educational opportunities for professionals and consumers, advocates for improved mental health care and services, and is committed to increasing public awareness. The SCCCMH strives for a stigma-free community by helping people to learn the facts about mental illness, to see a person for who they are and to take action on mental health issues.